Frac Pumper Cube Cooling ModuleAPI Heat Transfer now offers a line of frac pumper cooling modules in a cube configuration for applications that require a lighter, more compact cooling package than their standard horizontal units. These modules are made with aluminum heat exchanger technology and feature critical design enhancements that greatly improve maintenance, including a large cab-side access door for on-site cleaning. |
Engine Cooling SystemsAPI Heat Transfer is your global source for engine cooling solutions. They are equipped to offer unparalleled engine cooling performance to meet the rigorous requirements of mobile and industrial customers worldwide. API Heat Transfer offers an array of internal and external fin configurations that produce some of the most efficient air-cooled heat exchange cores in the industry. |
Bar and Plate Heat ExchangersAPI Heat Transfer’s line of Airtech and Covrad air cooled all-aluminum brazed bar and plate heat exchangers are supplied as a vital component to their mobile and industrial OEMs’ products. Their flexible bar and plate construction allows countless core combinations and sizes, custom designed to your exact requirements with minimal or no tooling costs. Combi-cooler designs are available to cool multiple fluids in a single brazed unit. |
Copper-Brass RadiatorsAPI Heat Transfer durable and versatile line of copper-brass heat exchanger technology can be applied to any set of operating conditions and is available in a wide range of sizes and types. With thousands of their Bolted Plate-Fin radiators in the field, you won’t find anyone with a better track record of reliability and customer loyalty. |
Aluminum RadiatorsAPI Heat Transfer offers a wide range of brazed aluminum radiator styles and options. From small individual coolers to large complex engine cooling systems, from heavy duty bar and plate construction to plastic tank radiators, API Heat Transfer have the right design for your mobile or industrial application. Their engineering team is continually developing additional fin geometries to improve heat transfer efficiency so they can meet or exceed your expectations. |
Charge Air CoolersEngine manufacturers and OEMs worldwide rely on API Heat Transfer's robust and reliable charge air cooler technology and expertise to meet ever changing emissions regulations. API Heat Transfer have specially selected fin and tube options to provide the performance and durability the application calls for. |
Cooling ModulesAPI Heat Transfer design each cooling module specifically for the unique duty the application calls for to ensure long-term performance and reliable service in a cost-effective package. Their vast range of heat exchanger technologies and expertise to integrate them into a custom cooling module solution is what sets them apart. API Heat Transfer use the highest quality components and integrate them using proven cooling technologies gained through years of experience. |
FinSep® AftercoolersAPI Heat Transfer innovative design allows the aftercooler to do considerably more than just cool air. With its compact integrated moisture separation capability, compressor OEMs will enjoy increased efficiency and reduced total package cost with API Heat Transfer FinSep® technology. API Heat Transfer’s aftercoolers are an all-aluminum bar and plate design featuring a wide variety of thermally efficient internal and external fin patterns. |
Air Cooled Oil CoolersOil cooling requirements vary widely depending on the type of equipment and duty cycle required. API Heat Transfer specially selected fin and tube options to provide the exact performance and durability the application calls for. Whether its high viscosity start up or full temperature operation, their brazed aluminum oil coolers keep it cool. They carefully select each oil cooler to be compatible with your system and each product is carefully designed to provide you the best combination of heat transfer and pressure drop. |
Turnkey RadiatorsAPI Heat Transfer's line of Covrad turnkey radiator cooling packages feature their unique high-performance cores and low horsepower fan engineered into a compact envelope. Choose from pre-engineered models or request a custom sized solution based on your specific rating and site conditions. |
Parallel Flow CondensersAPI Heat Transfer is a major supplier of all aluminum parallel flow condensers using extruded tubes. Brazed aluminum provides highly efficient, robust designs using lightweight all aluminum materials. |
Power Converter CoolersAPI Heat Transfer power converter coolers are a line of their Airtech Fan-Cooled Heat Exchangers, ideally suited for the cooling of wind turbine power conversion equipment. Their conversion coolers prevent inlet temperatures from exceeding maximum recommendations to ensure safe and efficient operation. |
Pre-Cooler, Cooler, ReheaterWhen warm, dry air is critical to the manufacturing process, air dryers are often installed as part of the plant’s compressed air system. One of the most common designs is a non-cycling direct expansion refrigerated air-dryer. API Heat Transfer has developed the PCR, or pre-cooler, cooler, reheater, designed specifically to meet the needs of the refrigerated air dryer market. |
Remote Cooling KitsDue to the constraints of space and because of thermal considerations in many environments, an increasing number of commercial power generation installations require the cooling equipment to be remotely located from the generator room. |